Sunday, May 19, 2013

80/20 IMPACT!: 20,000 Days & Counting By Robert D Smith

Today I am 20,126 days old. 

I came across this book "20,000 Days & Counting" in a Wall Street Journal article.  It is one of the best books I've read in terms of life changing potential so imho qualifies for 80/20 Impact.  Less time thinking, and more time doing. 

I literally planned out what I really want to do with my life, in a weekend.  I love it.  I have recommended this book to just about everyone I know and meet. It is a quick read (a few hours max), has real purpose and MEANING TO THE READER; it has thought provoking questions and exercises.  Instead of thinking of my life in years, I now think in days. 

It helps you focus on the really great moments and key influencers in your life. It cuts out a lot of noise and helps you think about what you really want to do in the coming decades/years/months/days! It may sound "mid life crisis" but this is for anyone in their 30's and Up!

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